Monday, October 29, 2012

fashion tintypes

I photographed Jamie Gordon West's dress for the Trash Fashion and Costume Contest, part of the Recycle Santa Fe Art Festival. She made the dress out of recycled plastic milk cartons. It's amazing. The show is this Friday, November 2, 2012 at 7:00PM at the Santa Fe Community Convention Center. 

self portrait

polaroid 440

A few polaroids taken in between tintypes sessions with Jamie Gordon West, modeling her recycled dress, with my new (old) Polaroid 440 Land Camera. Top photo was taken by Spencer Carl. 

test shots

Took a few test shot of Spencer while figuring out my new darkroom. They came fogged so I switched out my silver and that seemed to do the trick. I still like them though. Woofie M. Bubbles makes an appearance in the top photo. 

Thursday, October 11, 2012


Finally started getting our garage organized so I can set up my darkroom! There is still a lot of work to be done, but it is exciting to see it start to come together. I just purchased a darkroom sink (for a steal on craigslist!) that I need to set up as well. Will post more when it is complete.