Saturday, May 21, 2011

the last one

the last photo I will ever take as an undergrad at SCAD :( good thing I like it.

Friday, May 20, 2011

in progress platinum final

Sneak peek of my platinum final, you can even see the exact mixture I used to make them. more to come!

Sunday, May 15, 2011

carnivorous plants

One of my favorite shots from this weekend at Cypress Gardens in South Carolina. I'm doing a whole series of landscapes for my platinum final, all taken in and around the swamp. Can't wait to print this in platinum! More to come...

Monday, May 9, 2011

time portal

Took a drive to the small town of Portal, Georgia this weekend to do some exploring and shooting with my friend Alix. I was first intrigued by the name, and I ended up getting some pretty interesting shots. The last two were taken this past week at Tybee. I have been leaning towards my darker images with heavy blacks, they also respond best to my process, so I have been underexposing a bit. Since my work does have a lot to do with time, I like the idea of a portal...

Sunday, May 8, 2011

senior show!

Preparing for my senior show with the talented and lovely ladies Eska Palmer and Chloe Cryan. Opening is May 26 from 6-9 at Desoto Row Gallery. It will remain up in the gallery the following week. We will also have live music and a dj to accompany our show. Lots to do, as I am still finishing many of the works I plan on showing, but I think it will come together nicely. Check out my fellow exhibitors websites!.. and come!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

on the lighter side

Here is an image I really like, but doesn't fit in with the darker aesthetic of my project. I have never gotten the aqua color before, hope I can make it happen again.